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Radio Salü and Classic Rock Radio

Salu-icoRenovation of radio stations “Radio Salü” and “Classic Rock Radio” was carried out in February 2014 in Saarbrücken, Germany. This project included IT-equipment upgrade and update of software to Digispot II.


Rock FM and Best FM

rock-fm-icoA successful installation of the broadcast automation system Digispot ® II took place in the studios at the radio stations Rock FM Best FM in July this year in Moscow. This was a continuation of cooperation with the Multimedia Holding, after a software installation at RU.FM in 2010.


Oldie 95

Oldie 95-2008-icoOldie 95 radio station was launched in Hamburg in 1990 as OK Radio using the Digispot® Radio Automation System. Oriented to men and women at the age of 35 to 54 years, which are well educated and set up with a relatively high income. The average range of listeners reaches about 2.5 Million people within Hamburg and its surrounding communities. Employees are spread over several divisions such as moderation, music, news, program, coordination, production and management.