Top management
Pravotorhov Constantin, Director General of ZAO "TRACT"
He graduated from the Odessa Polytechnic Institute. In December 1991, he brought together a team of 12 people to develop hardware and software systems for sound recording and editing on a personal computer. That is how the “Tract” company was founded. He began his career in "Tract" as a commercial director. He is a member of the International Academy of Television and Radio (IATR).
Lyakhov Pavel, Commercial Director
He graduated from St. Petersburg State Technical University, majoring in Computer-aided design. He works in "Tract" since 1992. He regularly participates in international industry events, oversees the program of cooperation with partners and dealers.
Ditlov Nikolai, Technical Director
He graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Cinema majoring in sound engineering. He works in "Tract" since the founding of the company. He participated in large installation projects, being an expert in the field of radio equipment.
Stanovov Artem, Deputy Director General for System Integration
He graduated from the St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications majoring in radio broadcasting, communication and television. He works in "Tract" since 2000. He participated in launch of the radio complexes "EMG", "Business FM", "City-FM", "Sport FM", "The Voice of Russia", as well as re-equipment of VGTRK branches throughout Russia since 2009.
Krasnoschekov Petr, Deputy Director General for Development and Manufacture
He graduated from the St. Petersburg State University of majoring in radio engineering. He works in "Tract" since 2005. He participated in launch of the radio complexes "City-FM", "Business FM", "EMG", "Voice of Russia", "Kommersant FM", "Vesna FM" and "Vostok FM", "Sport FM" as well as the re-equipment of VGTRK branches across Russia since 2008.
Alexey Popov, Deputy Director General
He graduated in the field of applied mathematics at St. Petersburg State University. In 2001, he joined the team of developers of the broadcast automation system DIGISPOT II, also overseeing the technical support.
Khakhanov Alexey, Head of the Software Division
He graduated from Saint Petersburg State Electrotechnical University (ETU). He is the architect of broadcast automation system DIGISPOT II. Together with Leonid Mokrushin, an experienced developer, he created the first application of broadcast automation Efir-2 for Windows NT and a simple multitrack audio editor BCS Editor.
Molchanov Petr, Head of Technical Support and Sales Department
He graduated from St. Petersburg State University with a master's degree in applied mathematics. He received a bachelor's degree in the area of economic theory and economic policy from St. Petersburg State University. Since 2009, he is working in the industry of broadcasting as a technical support engineer of the broadcast automation system DIGISPOT II. Petr has been actively involved in commissioning and modernization of many radio stations in Russia and abroad. Now he supervises the implementation of broadcast automation system DIGISPOT II and training.