The Tract Company becomes a a full cycle system integrator. Projects of visual radio are actively implemented, research in the field of switching matrix schemes is being developed, the technology of own studio and auxiliary equipment production is improved.
Our own solutions:
- Switching Matrix D4 Matrix;
- Digital and analog VoIP codecs TR-120 and TR-121;
- Mixing console D4;
- Digispot II Matrix;
- Digispot II Infopanel and others.
Correspondent offices of "Voice of Russia" in London and Berlin, “Grozny FM”, “Vesna FM“, “Vostok FM“, “Russkaya Sluzhba Novostei” (Russian News Service, RSN) in St. Petersburg, "Svyaznoy", VGTRK branches, "Sport FM”, "Moskva Media”, Comedy Radio, Mariinsky Theatre, and others.
The implementation of the model and individual broadcasting complexes continues in Russia and the CIS countries. A department dealing with the visual radio is formed.
Our own solutions:
- Smart Jingle machine, microphone activity detector units, development of DIGISPOT II.
EMG, "Kommersant FM”, “Radio Zvezda", ORT TV channel, "NVK Sakha", "Zenith Radio", "Business FM“, correspondent offices of "Voice of Russia" in Istanbul and Washington, VGTRK branches, Radio Hamburg and Oldie 95 in Germany, and others.
A cooperation agreement with the German company R. Barth KG, which allowed us to release the first version of the broadcast automation system DIGISPOT II. Work on its modernization and development of new modules goes on.
Our own solutions:
- The console DJin 600 (a prototype of a broadcast center);
- SMS-chat based on video computer ATLAS;
- Different configurations of DIGISPOT II and others.
Russian Orthodox Church, "Muz-TV", "ORT-Petersburg", "Hit FM”, “Radio Baltika", "Europe Plus", "Echo of Moscow", TRK "Teleradio-Moldova" and others.
An active introduction of hardware network technologies and the technology of remote control goes on. The department of the complex integration performs a turnkey equipment of the radio stations. A new activity is organized - the production of technological furniture.
Our own solutions:
- Broadcasting station EFIR 2;
- Editorial station EFIR 2/1;
- Editing and cutting station BSC Editor;
- Video computer ATLAS;
- A hardware and software complex DJin. Customers ORT TV channel, "Russian Radio", MGTRK "Mir" and others.
The first multichannel broadcasting and editing station is launched in Russia. A video department is created in the company, which develops a television automation system. Partnership with the Dutch company Eela Audio gives us the opportunity to do a comprehensive integration and to establish a joint production of studio equipment.
Our own solutions:
- Dual-track station TRACK-MASTER for pre-mastering;
- A digital multi-channel station of cut and editing of audio TRACK 8;
- Video computer VITA;
- A universal synchronizer of time signals and control signals TIME MACHINE.
STRC "Petersburg - Channel Five," VGTRK channel.
The company begins to develop its own hardware and software technologies of digital sound processing.
Our own solutions:
- A board of digital audio processing TRACK 30;
- A station for cut and editing of audio TRACK 33;
- A digital recorder SHPILKA;
- Broadcasting station EFIR 10;
- The program EFFEKTOR.
Our first Customers
VGTRK channel, TV channel "IGRA-TV", radio station Magic Radio.