Europa Plus
In 2015 ‘Europa Plus’ launched Vi Studio with live video performances and interviews of HD-quality. New studio is not only visual now it is spacious and it occupies 40 sq.m.
The radio station ‘Europa Plus’ is not afraid of superstitions and celebrates the “unlucky” Friday on a grand. On March, 13th , the radio station launched the broadcasting from their brand new Vi-STUDIO. Celebrity guests visited the studio, there were also live performances by popular artists, interviews with famous people. And you could not only hear that, but also see!
The studio of ‘Europa Plus’ has been not only refreshed, but also rebuild. During the construction phase, two studios were merged into one, taking also a part of the corridor. Now they have a podium for musical performances and an area for spectators for 16 people – everything in a single studio. Next to it, in a separate room, there are the workplaces of video director, telephone producer and sound designer for mixing the audio from the stage.
The days when you could go on the air in a bathrobe are in the past now. All DJs are in plain sight thanks to 7 HD cameras.